October 2020 Minutes
Unofficial M I N U T E S
7:30 P.M.
Board Members Present: Mike Fischer, Laura Schnoor, Malia Nemecek, Don Beck, Cory Schlueter, Andrea Vacha
Board Members Absent:
Others Present: Supt. Joe Peitzmeier, Recording Secretary Sharon Meyer
President Laura Schnoor called the regular meeting of School Board #62 to order on Monday, October 12, 2020 at 7:31 p.m. A call of roll showed all members present.
Open Meetings Act:
The board meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act.
Notice of this meeting was properly posted by advance Public Notice with notice and advance agenda given to all members of the board prior to the meeting date.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Visitor Comments: No visitors present
Informational Reports:
President Schnoor appointed Nemecek, Vacha and herself to the Policy Committee
Principal Stithem reported on the following items:
- October 14th ends the first quarter
- Fall break begins on October 21st with 1:30 dismissal. No school on October 22 and 23. Inservice on October 22.
- Dual Credit Enrollment for First Semester
- Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place virtually this semester
Superintendent Peitzmeier reported on the following items:
- Finance: Teacher Negotiation
- Curriculum: Hired part-time cook, and looking for Full time Substitute Teacher, SPED Teacher, or Elementary Para
- Facilities: discussed demolition of old building, stage lighting and purchase of a new mower
- Workshop/Meetings: NASB State Conference
- Miscellaneous: Discussed County Government Day and Close Up
Action Items:
Approval of the Consent Agenda:
Vacha moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented which includes the approval of the agenda, the September 14, 2020 Minutes, Treasurers (attachment 1) Financial (attachment 2) reports and the actual General Fund expenses (attachment 3), and placed them on file. Schlueter seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Vacha moved that policies 204.07 “Designated Method of Giving Notice of Meetings, 402.15 “Professional Boundaries Between Employees and Students”, 404.01 “Injury Leave”, 415.10 “Staff Payments During Closure”, 504.01 “Attendance Policy and Excessive Absenteeism.” Beck seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Discussion Items:
COVID-19 Discussion
Reorganization Discussion:
Mr. Peitzmeier presented a feasibility study to the board showing student, staff, and financial projections for a merged district with Logan View.
There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Laura Schnoor adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Meyer
Business Manager
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of District #62, Dodge County, will be Monday, November 9, 2020, at 7:30 p.m., in the Scribner–Snyder Band Room. Agenda items are kept current in the superintendent’s office and may be inspected during regular business hours.