June 2022 Minutes
Unofficial M I N U T E S
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2022 @ 6:30 P.M.
Open the Meeting
Call the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Scribner-Snyder President, Laura Schnoor presiding.
Open Meetings Act
Notice of this meeting was properly published in a newspaper of general circulation by advance Public Notice with notice and advance agenda given to all members of the board prior to the meeting date. Scribner-Snyder personnel Joe Peitzmeier, Brad Stithem, Sharon Meyer and Malia Nemecek were in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
A call of roll showed all members present: Don Beck, Mike Fischer, Matt Kruse, Laura Schnoor, Cory Schlueter and Andrea Vacha.
Welcoming of Visitors
1 visitor
No Public Comments
Special Recognition
Congratulations to Cailey Stout for winning the Class D Discus at the State Track Meet. Cailey also placed 5th in the shot put.
Informational Reports
Board Members – Laura asked the board if they had any thoughts or ideas regarding Community Engagement and how to get stakeholders involved.
Principal Stithem reported on the following items:
- Summer Weight Program started on May 30th.
- Thanked new staff members for taking time to visit the school district and we’d like to welcome them to SSCS.
- Reading/Language Arts K-8 teacher Inservice was held on May 18th.
- The school year ended on a positive note with the last week of school having several fun activities for both the students and the staff. Thank you to the janitorial staff for all their hard work and Deb, Shelly and Sharon for inventorying and making sure all new supplies get to the correct classroom.
Director - Malia Nemecek – AD/Data/Student Services
- Congratulated Cailey Stout for 1st place in Class D Discus and 5th place in shot put at state track meet. Rose Brazel was a State Track qualifier in the 800 and she got 15th place.
- Weight room up and running. Summer camps and leagues have started.
- The Scribner-Snyder Fun Fest will be held on November 12th.
- Data – Teachers have access to NSCAS scores instantly. Working on setting up data to support our new Mental Health Program.
Superintendent Peitzmeier reported on the following items:
- Curriculum:
-Perkins Grant approval
- Facilities:
-Waiting for gym floor repair quotes.
- Workshops/Meetings:
-Attended Aksarben Stakeholders Meeting
-ESU Superintendent meeting and Mental Health Presentation
-Three Rivers post pandemic meeting
-Attended the Mental Health Boot Camp
-PFI Annual meeting
-June 10th - Leadership – Principal Standards meeting
-June 15th - Rule 11 – Early Childhood Zoom
-Budget Webinar on June 29th
- Miscellaneous:
-Classified Appreciation Brunch
-Retirement reception for Carol and Marsha
-Staff Cookout
-Fun Day – Mr. Dieckmann
-Rule 10 Compliance Visit - Accredited
-Annual Report is on the website – also provided annual reports and SSCS magnets to the Chamber Welcome Bags
-Trane has been on the campus looking over units.
Updated the Board on Superintendent attendance/absences
Action Items
Approval of the Consent Agenda
Schlueter moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. This includes the approval of the agenda, the May 11, 2022 Minutes, Treasurers Report (attachment 1), Financial Reports (attachment 2), the actual General Fund expenses (attachment 3), and placed them on file. Fischer seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action to Approve Board Policies
Fischer moved to approve board policies: 204.10 “Agenda” (Revised), 204.12 “Public Participation at Board Meetings” (Revised), 404.07 “Drug and Substance Use and Abuse” (Revised), 411.01 “Substitute Teachers” (Revised), 612.18 “Special Education” (Revised), 702.04 “Internal Controls” (Revised), 706.03 “Procedures – Bidding Construction Projects” (Revised), 1211.0 “Title IX – Procedure for Complaints of Sexual Harassment” (Revised) as presented.
After some discussion Beck seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action to Rescind Board Policy
After some discussion Vacha moved to rescind board policy 404.08 “Drug and Alcohol Testing Program”. Schlueter seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Discussion items
- COVID-19 Updates – Discussed current operations as they relate to COVID. Will review SSCS plan at the July meeting.
- Girls Wrestling Co-op – Waiting on Logan View’s Board decision.
There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Laura Schnoor adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Meyer
Business Manager
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of District #62, Dodge County, will be Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., in the Scribner–Snyder Band Room. Agenda items are kept current in the superintendent’s office and may be inspected during regular business hours.