December 2021 Minutes
Unofficial M I N U T E S
MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2021 @ 6:30 P.M.
Open the Meeting
Call the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Scribner-Snyder President, Laura Schnoor presiding.
Open Meetings Act
Notice of this meeting was properly published in a newspaper of general circulation by advance Public Notice with notice and advance agenda given to all members of the board prior to the meeting date. Scribner-Snyder personnel Joe Peitzmeier, Brad Stithem, Sharon Meyer and Malia Nemecek were in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
A call of roll showed 5 members present: Mike Fischer, Matt Kruse, Cory Schlueter, Laura Schnoor and Andrea Vacha. Absent: Don Beck
Welcoming of Visitors
No visitors
Informational Reports
Board Members – Laura Schnoor mentioned that she attended NASB State Conference and gathered a lot of good information.
Principal Stithem reported on the following items:
- December 22nd marks the end of the 2nd quarter and 1st semester. On December 22nd we will have a 1:30 p.m. dismissal for Christmas break. Classes resume on January 3rd.
- Goal was met for the annual food drive for the Food Pantry. The kids earned a pajama day and a movie at the end of the day on December 22nd. Would like to thank Mrs. Ryun and the FFA students for sponsoring this great project.
- On January 4th during teacher in-service, professional developer Michael Feit from ESU2 will be training our staff on how to develop a great classroom culture.
- Elementary Christmas Concert will be held on Tuesday, December 14th and the Jr High/High School concert has been set for Monday, December 20th.
- Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Rolf have completed the second round of Acadience testing.
- Second semester we are offering 4 dual credit courses.
- Season Greetings – We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Break.
Superintendent Peitzmeier reported on the following items:
- Legislative Issues:
-Attended the Legislative Preview Conference. Shared some information that was given at the conference regarding legislation.
- Finance:
-ARP Plan review – Reviewed the expenditure and the “Return to Learn”
Plan for the 2021-2022 school year.
-Food supply shortage – Letters sent home and on the website.
- Curriculum:
- Facilities:
-Trane update
-Old High School update
- Workshops/Meetings:
-Attended the NASB State Conference in November.
-Update on the After-School Program
- Miscellaneous:
-Incumbents filing date is February 15th and all others is March 1st.
-Negotiations meeting
-Congratulations to Mrs. Enos and the team for receiving District One-Act
Runner Up.
-Issue with flavored milk supply
-No boys wrestling but have girls wrestling
- Staff Christmas gathering on December 22nd at 1:30 invited board members
Updated the Board on Superintendent attendance/absences
Action Items
Approval of the Consent Agenda
Schlueter moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented excusing the absence of Don Beck. This includes the approval of the agenda, the November 8, 2021 Minutes, Treasurers Report (attachment 1), Financial Reports (attachment 2), the actual General Fund expenses (attachment 3) and placed them on file. Vacha seconded and motion carried 5-yes, 1-absent (Beck)
Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action on Renewal of School Insurance
Vacha moved to continue the school insurance coverage with EMC through Swanson Insurance. After discussion, Schlueter seconded and motion carried 5-yes, 1-absent (Beck)
Discuss, Consider and act on Requiring Personal Finance as a Graduation Requirement
Vacha moved to require Personal Finance as a graduation requirement beginning with the 2022-2023 school year. After discussion, Fischer seconded and motion carried 5-yes, 1-absent (Beck)
Discussion items
- COVID-19 Updates – Peitzmeier updated the Board on current status of COVID absences.
- Discussed the Early Retirement Incentive Program.
- Facility Study – Update on the facility study, timelines and the outcome of an initial meeting with DLR.
- Supplied the board with copies of the Annual Audit.
- Superintendent Evaluation – Schnoor tabulated the results and shared the information with the board.
There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Laura Schnoor adjourned the meeting at 7:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Meyer
Business Manager
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of District #62, Dodge County, will be Monday, January 10, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., in the Scribner–Snyder Band Room. Agenda items are kept current in the superintendent’s office and may be inspected during regular business hours.