April 2021 Minutes
Unofficial M I N U T E S
MONDAY, APRIL 12, 2021 @ 7:30 P.M.
Open the Meeting
Call the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Scribner-Snyder President, Laura Schnoor presiding.
Open Meetings Act
Notice of this meeting was properly published in a newspaper of general circulation by advance Public Notice with notice and advance agenda given to all members of the board prior to the meeting date.
NOTE: The meeting was broadcast Facebook live @sstrojans.org
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call
A call of roll showed 5 members present: Don Beck, Mike Fischer, Cory Schlueter, Laura Schnoor and Andrea Vacha
Malia Nemecek resigned her position on the board last month.
Welcoming of Visitors
President Schnoor welcomed the visitors. (10 visitors)
Karen Vontz addressed the board regarding the value of an Early Childhood Special Education Specialist.
Replacement of Board Member
Discussion was held regarding the necessary action to evaluate the candidates who applied to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Malia Nemecek. Candidates presented information to the Board.
Schlueter moved to approve the following Resolution to appoint Matt Kruse as a new member of the board of education to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Malia Nemecek. Vacha seconded and the motion carried 5 yes.
Be it resolved by the Board of Education of this school district, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat §32-570, that, based upon the ballots cast by the members of the Board of Education, the Board of Education should and does hereby temporarily appoint Matt Kruse, a qualified registered voter of the Scribner-Snyder Community School District, to fill the vacancy created by Malia Nemecek’s resignation; said appointment is effective upon the passage of this resolution and shall commence upon administration of the oath of office, and shall continue for the remainder of the unexpired term of Malia Nemecek.
Oath of Office by New Board Member
The Oath of Office was recited by Matt Kruse as he accepted their appointment as a member of the Board of Education.
Informational Reports
Board Members – Laura noted that the students did an excellent job on the Musical.
Principal Stithem reported on the following items:
- Annual tornado/bus evacuation drills will take place later this week.
- Final round of DIBELS testing will be done at the end of April. NSCAS Map testing is in full swing, and all juniors have completed the ACT testing.
- Class registration will begin the week of April 19th – 23rd.
- Recommending we consider making personal finance a required course for all seniors.
- Prom is scheduled for April 24th, Honor’s Night will be held on May 13th and SSCS Graduation Ceremony is set for May 8th.
Superintendent Peitzmeier reported on the following items:
- Legislative Issues:
-Legislative Update
- Finance:
-Notice of public hearing
- Facilities:
-Trane: Building and Grounds Committee will meet on April 13th 9:00 a.m.--Stage Lighting
-Fuel Barrell
-Commons Ceiling
-Old School possibilities
-Stage and Gym
- Workshop/Meetings:
-New Board Member Workshop – 4/14/21
- Miscellaneous:
-Superintendent Evaluation
-Heather Peters resignation. Will advertise for position on Teach Nebr.
-Book Fair: Kuddos to Mrs. Kafonek for a job well done.
-FCCLA Nationals – Virtual: Congratulations to Jillian and Kelby Dames,
and Hannah Ryun for making it to Nationals.
-Option Enrollment
- Updated the Board on Superintendent attendance/absences
Action Items:
Approval of the Consent Agenda:
Vacha moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented which includes the approval of the agenda, the March 8, 2021 Minutes, Treasurers (attachment 1) Financial (attachment 2) reports, the actual General Fund expenses (attachment 3), the actual Special Building Fund expenses (attachment 4) and placed them on file. Schlueter seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Election of Secretary
Vacha nominated Schlueter, Fischer seconded the motion.
Schlueter was elected Secretary of the Board of Education for 2021 on 1 ballot, receiving 5 votes, 5-yes, Schlueter abstain.
Americanism and Civics Committee
Will be to examine recommended social studies and science textbooks and other details per law and policy 203.66. The Committee shall take all other steps to ensure compliance with Nebraska Law.
Fischer moved to adopt “My World” from SAVVAS as Social Studies Curriculum for grades 6-12 in the amount of $19,096.46 as proposed. Beck seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Vacha moved to adopt “Inspire” from McGraw Hill as Science Curriculum for grades K-8 in the amount of $30,096.17 as proposed. Schlueter seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Fischer moved to approve the Close-Up trip for 2021 as presented. Vacha seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Schlueter moved to approve contract nullification with ICON as presented. Vacha seconded and motion carried 5-yes, 1 abstain (Kruse).
Vacha moved to approve contract with ESU #2 for the services of Early Childhood Special Education Specialist as presented. Fischer seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Fischer moved to approve the ESU #2 Special Education Services Contract as presented. Schlueter seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Schlueter moved that the classified staff receive a salary package no to exceed 3% for the 2021-2022 school year. Beck seconded and motion carried 6-yes.
Discussion Items
- COVID-19 Discussion: Increase of COVID cases in our area. Final vaccinations will be given to staff on Friday and we will vaccinate our 18yr olds at a later date.
- ESSER Funds: Discussed ways to use the ESSER Fund money. Will advertise for a long-term sub.
There being no further business on the agenda of this meeting, President Laura Schnoor adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Meyer
Business Manager
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of District #62, Dodge County, will be Monday, May 10, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., in the Scribner–Snyder Band Room. Agenda items are kept current in the superintendent’s office and may be inspected during regular business hours.